Former club President Paul Jaspal talks about the project on Oct 30th Radio WM 7.20-7.30, follow the link – https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0gkks6g valid 29 days.
Warwick Rotarian Bill Jaspal is setting off next month to set up an Eye Clinic in his home area of Chabawal, Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India. Rotarians from Warwick and other local clubs have helped Bill to raise the necessary funds, together with friends and family.
This will be the second camp Bill has organised, as in 2019 he initiated and funded a camp which was very successful. Over 500 patients attended for treatments ranging from providing glasses and replacement lenses, to those requiring more complex hospital procedures for which all costs were covered. Additionally, transport was provided to and from approximately 30 other villages. The experience highlighted the need for medical attention for a wider audience and range of eye conditions, and Bill was keen to return to help the many who do not have the funds to access healthcare.
The camp will be set up in the communal area of the local Gurdwara in Chabawal. Bill has arranged with the leader of the 25 local Town Councils to administer the project involving the promotion of the camp and transport for people to attend for assessment, treatment and follow up care. The medical services are being provided by the Akal Eye Hospital, in Jalandhar, Punjab.

The initial funding of £15,000 has been raised, but if we could reach £20-25,000 then more people can be treated, and provision made for an ongoing service with medical infrastructure and specialist services to enable eye consultants and nurses to continue to diagnose and treat local people who badly need operations or treatment to address eye complaints.
If you would like to support the project donations can be made via Just Giving – use this link, https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/eyeclinicproject2023, or to Warwick Rotary Club which can reclaim Gift Aid.