Harry Ward became an ambassador for Alzheimer’s Research UK having seen the impact the disease had on his grandfather and family as a child. Now studying at Warwick University at age 21 he responded to a request for volunteers from the charity and gave a presentation to a meeting of Rotary Club of Warwick last week.

ARUK is the UK’s leading dementia research charity dedicated to making life-changing breakthroughs in diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cure.
Alzheimer’s disease is a global crisis with 51 million people worldwide living with the disease. The UK has about 850,000 people with dementia, and this is set to rise to 1million by 2021 as 1 in 3 of us over 60 will develop some form. One in four hospital beds are taken by someone with dementia which costs the UK economy over £26billion a year.
Dementia is not an inevitable part of ageing, and the charity aims by 2025 to be on the way to understanding the causes, diagnose how these affect the brain, reduce the risk and provide effective treatment. Dementia can affect people as young as their twenties and blights the lives of their families. Visit the Alzheimer’s Research UK website www.alzheimersresearchuk.org, to find out more, or call 0300 111 5555.