Rotary Club Of Warwick

Dec12 - Dedications on Lights of Love this year

Here is the list of people whose cards are on our tree in Market Square up to Dec 12th 2022. They will be removed on Jan 3rd and will be available to retrieve from Warwick Tourist office for the week after. Jackie Crampton

Allen Dorne

Allen Dr. W and Terry, Bob and Ray

Angel Babies

Arthurton, Jack and Hazel

Auntie Kathleen

Aunty Ju and Nana Pat

Baby Grayson

Bailey, Ally B

Bastock, Bert and Dorothy

Beale, Michael (Dad, Grandad & Great Grandad)

Beckett, Jo

Blackaby, Peggy & Eddie

Blackburn, Frederick (Fred)

Bohler, Larry

Bolton, Keith

Bowen, Abbie

Box, Stephen

Bradley, Alice

Bradley, Harry

Brain, Harry & Mary

Brinkworth, Dennis & Elaine

Brown, Winston

Bugg, Mr and Mrs

Butcher, Antony

Butler for Nanny

Butler for Sandra

Byford, Carole

Cameron, Alan

Caseley, Ann

Chalmers, Brian


Chris & Nonno

Clare, Chris & Becky

Clarke, Michael (husband)

Coleman, Gordon & Stuart

Collins, Keith

Cookes, John

Court, Ruth

Crampton, Marian

Crawford for Dad Malcolm

Crawford for Nanny Maggie & Grandad Jack

Creighton. Geoff


Dando, May & Reg

Dawson, John

Day, Matthew

Dennison, Jill

Denny, John

Deverell-Smith, Paul

Dix, Joyce

Dogs, Glade, Zelda, Charlie, Cheddar & Becky

Doherty, Sheila

Domini, Wilfrid & Joan

Dottie Anne

Douglas, Brian

Duxbury, Jack (Jack the lad)

Ethal & Alec

Everett, Ron

Evans, Mr Alan R

Fathers, Ada

Field, Edward (Bluey) Clarence (Dude)

Fitzpatrick, Jess and John

Forster, Ian

Franks, Jean and Maurice

Fulford, Grace and Ron

Galilee, Rosemary and Arthur

Garland, Suzi

Gelfs, Tom

Gibbs, Bill

Gibbs, Carole

Gibbs, Katie

Gibbs, Sadie

Gilbert, Michael

Gilks, Marion and Pat

Goddard, Alf and Olive

Goddard, Brian

Gogerly Rachel

Graham, Bruce

Graham, Muriel


Gray, Jean and Tim

Griffiths, Margaret

Guest, Keith (Grandad)

Guest, Stewie

Hardy, Sue

Harris, Oli

Harrison, Betty & John

Harrison, Charles

Harrison, Jim & Ella

Harrison, Shelia & Peter

Harvey, Ida & John (Mum & Dad & Nanna & Pop)

Haskins, Leigh

Height, Ron & Margaret

Heritage, Margaret & Gordon (Mum & Dad)

Heron, Ernie

Hewitt, Dick (Richard)

Hibben, daughter Sue

Higgins, Paul & Phillip

Higlett, Alan ‘Popa’

Holland, Dick, Floss & Trev

Hollies, Sheila


Howard, June & Alan

Hughes, Barbara

Hunt, Kathleen (Kathy)

Hutt, Ron

Ireland, June

Jones, Ken & Audrey (Mum & Dad)

Jones, Margaret & Neville

Jones, Terry

Jones, Trevor (Rotarian)

Joyner, Roy

Karasek, James Joseph

Keighley, David W

Kenny, Philip

Kerr, Jon-Paul

Kerr, Paul

King, Jenny & Matthew

King, Sylvia and Fred

Kitchen, Cath and Gordon

Kitchen, Roger

Kitchen, Roger (Dad and Grandad)

Lane, Monica & George

Lapworth, Hope & Fred

Latham, Valerie and Keith

Leach, Stuart

Leese, Tay

Lloyd, Mick (Dad, Grandad)

M & D


Margaret & Ray

Martin, Elizabeth (Mum)

Maxwell-Hamilton, Lesley

McCann, Brian

McCann, Sarah

McEntee, Clodagh

Meale, Keith

Miles, David Edward (Dad)

Miles, Edith (Mum)

Miller, Esme

Millward, Wayne Adam

Montgomery, Marian (Grandma)

Moroney, Dan & Mariel

Morris, Tom

Mortiboy, Mary & Alwyn

Muliz, Grant

Mullis, George

Mullis, Gwen

Mum, from Emma

Mum & Dad

Mundy, Marjorie

Muzangaza, Master James Clemance

Nanny Maggie & Grandad Jack

Napier, Ann (Mum, Nan, Great Nan)

Neale, Peggy & Doug

Nichol. Audrey

Nicholls, Stan

Nicholls, Dr.Marc

Nealon, Brian

Oliver, Sophie

Owen, Pam

Palmer, Geoff

Parker, Sylvia & George

Peace & Love in the World

Pither, Keith

Pither, Mary

Potter, Alf & Peggy

Poulton, Samantha

Pratt, Lynn

Rawlins, Cath

Rawlins, Danny

Reeve, Michael John

Reynolds, Colin (Bampy)

Reynolds, Pat

Ritchie, Denise & Anthony

Robb, Adam

Robertson. Magnus

Rowley, Denis (Rotarian)

Rowley, Gordon

Rudd, John & Mabel

Sarson, Lucy & John

Saunders, Mary

Scott, Dirk Perran

Shand, Guy

Shand, Mike (Dad)

Siennicki, Hazel & Stefan (Mum & Dad)

Smith, Baby Thomas

Smith, Brenda & Jack

Smith, Ruth & Tom

Soldan, Ingrid

Steele, Alan Paul

Steele, Joan & Ronald

Steele, Teresa

Sutherland, Iain Guthrie & Lillian

Swain, David

Taylor, Max

Taylor, Snowy (Grandad & Great Grandad)

Thumwood, Winnie & Joseph

Tiff, Brian (Dad)

Tilling, Tom & Pat

Trotter, Beryl and Russell

Vickers, Janet

Vickers, Phil

Walker, Angela and Neal

Welsh, Malcolm

White, Nigal (husband)

White Nigal (Dad)

White, Nigal (Grandad)

Williams, John

Williams, John Arthur

Woodward. Jack & Joan

Worrall, Joan and Charlie



