Distinguished Rotarian John Miles from Guildford RC joined Warwick Rotarians last week to reflect on the work of Rotary – the international organisation which is now over 100 years old.
John is a Trustee of Rotary Charity Global Sight Solutions and is marking the centenary of over 50 clubs in the UK by visiting 100 clubs to raise the profile of Rotary as a force for good in every community.
Rotary is a worldwide organisation founded in 1905 with over 1.2 million members who focus on assisting those less fortunate and improving their lives. Clubs around the world are currently sending funds to help Eastern Europe deal with the flood of refugees, supported by their international charity The Rotary Foundation, as well as their partner Shelterbox sending practical aid – tents and survival equipment.
Just before the pandemic struck John and Fiona Miles travelled a total of 33,000 miles on a self-funded three-month journey in support of Global Sight Solutions’ ambition to open more Rotary eye hospitals in the developing world.
To date over 80 have been established in India, Pakistan, and Africa providing free eye care to the poor, undertaking Cataract surgery, treating glaucoma, retinal detachment and diabetic retinopathy. Just £5 donated can pay for a cataract operation once this is multiplied by Rotary grants.
Another 10 hospitals are planned with sites identified and fundraising and grants being secured.Their target is to undertake 180,000 cataract operations a year by 2025. In 2023 they plan a 6,000-mile car rally to Banjul in The Gambia to raise awareness and funds for their work.
President Paul Jaspal thanked John and Fiona for their commitment and handed a cheque for £200 to support the next hospitals planned for Nigeria, Kenya, and Bengal. If you would like to support Rotary’s work please get in touch with us.