Rotary Club Of Warwick

Dec5 - Giving the Sea scouts a hand

Craig Warmington joined members of the Rotary Club of Warwick last week for dinner and told them about the progress in completing the new premises for the 2nd Warwick Sea Scouts.

Craig is a project manager by profession, he is also a pilot with a keen interest in 633 Squadron and the famous Dam Buster’s Raid of the second world war. He is clearly a man of many talents. The 2nd Warwick Sea Scouts have plans approved to demolish their existing premises in St Nicholas Park, and to build a new centre adjacent to the swimming pool, and a boat park by the river. Craig, as a volunteer, is the project manager of the Scheme and is busy raising the money with bids to the Aviva Community Fund amongst others. They are half way there but still need to raise nearly £500,000.

The 2nd Warwick Sea Scouts is a large group and includes Beavers, cub scouts, scouts, and explorers. Apart from all the usual outdoor activities they also do canoeing, sailing and rowing. Anyone interested in joining or helping them reach their target should contact them on

The Rotary club has good links with the sea scouts who help at events, and a few years ago, gave them a box trailer to take their kit to camp. Rotarian Laurie Day also prepared their planning application and drawings for the new development.

Thanking Craig for his talk, Rotarian Laurie Day said the sea scouts are a great group of people who should be supported wherever possible.

President John Taylor presented Craig with a cheque towards their building fund.



