Side by Side Theatre Group
Penny Amis, Chair of Side by Side Theatre, came to tell club about the group as we had recently donated £1,000 from a legacy left by former member Paul Reynolds of Hampton on the Hill.
Based in Warwick, Side by Side develops and produces inclusive theatre involving adults with and without learning disability and neurodiversity.
Weekly workshops develop skills encourage participation and artistic ideas, including mime, movement, dance, drama, poetry and sketches, ranging from the visually dramatic to humorous. Their inclusive approach develops confidence and communication, with the emphasis on abilities not disabilities. Each show (like the performers) is unique.
The main show will be held on 17th and 18th November this year at the Royal Spa Centre and sees over 60 performers performing on an equal footing – hence the name Side by Side Theatre. If you would like to know more their website is . New members and volunteers are always welcome.
Penny thanked the club for their support and said they received no government or funding, relying on their income through sponsorships, donations and their own fundraising efforts. The annual show is a considerable expense, but worth it for the life affirming joy which it provides to performers and their audience.